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The Team

The VDC team is long established and combines a complimentary set of exceptional skillsets from a great bunch of people. We are based in Tufnell Park, London.
Niall Holden

Niall Holden

CEO & Founder
Niall is VDC’s Founder and hands-on boss. He governs the whole and instils the Company's standards, methods and strategy.
Tony Maraia

Tony Maraia

Finance Director
Responsible for all things financial and for leveraging VDC's commercial potential and efficiencies.
Adam Jafrabadi

Adam Jafrabadi

Export Director
Managing VDC and Van Damme’s 45+ worldwide distributors and expanding and leveraging their reach.
Herpreet Singh

Herpreet Singh

Commercial Director
Responsible for developing and implementing commercial strategies based on VDC's company targets and objectives with the main goal of supporting and accelerating growth, and the business' long term success.
Tariq Khan

Tariq Khan

Operations Manager
Oversees efficiencies including stock levels, project flow and associated staffing.
Carmen Wagner

Carmen Wagner

Production Manager
Responsible for the VDC Production Department and all the manufacturing assembly efficiencies.
Dug Guthrie

Dug Guthrie

Technical Consultant
VDC's prior Technical Director, now freelance consultant and satellite special projects authority.
Jason Shaw

Jason Shaw

UK Sales Manager
Responsible for providing greater support for existing and new clients in the UK.
Jim Bulbeck

Jim Bulbeck

Technical Support Manager
Responsible for designing custom systems and providing solutions to technical enquiries.
Jason Wilson

Jason Wilson

Components Manager
Responsible for managing the components floor.
Sweata Dutta

Sweata Dutta

Customer Relations Executive
Sweata ensures that VDC’s customers’ expectations are met and continue to receive their orders on time.
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